Hey! I'm James Sparrow 👋

I'm a frontend software engineer with a strong passion for building responsive and performant web applications with great user experiences that positively impacts the world.

This is my tecnology stack

CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo

Here are some of my projects.

  • Car subscription project.

    Car sales project

    Html, CSS, JavaScript, Vue, Vuex

    This project showcases my skills in front-end development by combining the fundamental building blocks of web development with modern tools and frameworks like Vue.js and Vuex. The result is a responsive and engaging web application that delivers a superior user experience.

  • Car subscription project.


    Html, CSS, JavaScript, Vue, Vuex

    I crafted an interactive dashboard utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide users with insightful data visualization and reporting. The dynamic features and seamless updates are powered by Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, while Vuex efficiently manages the application's state. This dashboard project demonstrates my proficiency in frontend development, offering an intuitive and data-driven user interface for easy decision-making.

  • Car subscription project.

    Chat app

    Html, CSS, JavaScript, Vue, Vuex

    I developed a real-time chat application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to enable instant communication. The interactive and responsive interface is brought to life by Vue.js, a powerful JavaScript framework. Vuex ensures smooth data handling and state management. This chat app project showcases my frontend expertise in creating a user-friendly and engaging platform for seamless messaging and connections.